All companies within the World of Hayleys work collectively towards the betterment and achievements of each other. Hayleys Fabric being one of the primal textile producers in the country, is on a constant lookout to uphold their quality.
Thus any interruption to the manufacturing process could disrupt or harm the quality of the textiles being produced. For this, Hayleys Fabric required an effective solution to keep their manufacturing process up and running continuously to meet strict quality standards.
Hayleys Aventura was given the task and opportunity to supply and install a generator to suit the particular requirements set by Hayleys Fabric.
As always, Hayleys Aventura quite successfully managed to provide a 1,250kVA Tempest Generator to ensure a top-of-the-line seamless flow to the production process, with no sudden interruptions.
You too can keep your business up and running!
Contact us to get equipped with a premium Gen-set: 076 558 1868